Here you will find infor­ma­tion about gam­ing, tips and much more, shown to you as sim­ple as possible. 

We are a small team, con­sist­ing of three friends. Usu­al­ly we are sit­ting in front of our screens and we play games and talk a loooot. We have a lot of things com­ing togeth­er and then we, like so many oth­er peo­ple, came up with the genius idea to share our thoughts with oth­ers. Freely accord­ing the prin­ci­ple “from gamer to gamer”.

You can do what­ev­er you want with the col­lect­ed infor­ma­tion, but you have to know, now we are sit­ting at home in front of our screens and hope that you use the infor­ma­tion and tips, while writ­ing our next post! 😉

So while hang­ing out on our web­site, you’re wel­come to share your thoughts through com­ments. We are look­ing for­ward to hear from you!

Epic-Game­play Team