Now­days escape rooms are a a very pop­u­lar place to increase team­work among col­leagues or for birth­day par­ties. Here you can find a list of escape games for the liv­ing room. You will find the games from the pub­lish­er Kos­mos, Ravens­burg­er, Noris and Humunculus.

The game can be played togeth­er with the fam­i­ly, with friends for a tricky and adven­tourous change while hav­ing a glass of wine or for a cou­ple evening.

Togeth­er you will start a jour­ney and solve puz­zles to find a way out. Every jour­ney will be dif­fer­ent and has dif­fer­ent prob­lems to solve with diffrent dif­fi­cult lev­els. That is why it does not mat­ter if you are a math­e­mat­i­can, an archi­tect or an artist. Here every skill is required and only if you work togeth­er as a team, you can find the solution!

Some prob­lems can only be solved by cut­ting the giv­en objects and reassem­bling or paint­ing them. Accord­ing­ly, you can use the game only once — but it is worth it! The tricky puz­zles are var­ied and every­one must help with the solu­tion, because the most ridicu­lous hint can be cru­cial for find­ing the solution!


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